Diary Entry - Sunday 6th January


Saturday 5th Jan

I didn't realise that this little calendar thing groups weekends together into one quote for the two days, instead of a quote for each!  Pretty cool really and it's not a quote, it's more of an activity for the weekend.  So this weekend's activity was...
I really fancied a scone so in true #KAndy style we left it to the very last minute and then it was a mad rush to find somewhere to go at 3:55pm on a Saturday afternoon for afternoon tea. I racked my brains to think of somewhere we could go that we hadn't been to already.  The Boy suggested The Grumpy Mole (Royal Oak Pub) in Oxted which we hadn't been to.

Luckily they served "Afternoon Tea" until 5pm - just in time!

It was rather tasty. Nowt fancy just some tasty scones with fresh clotted cream and strawberry jam and pot of tea to share.  
I spent the rest of the day choreographing more tracks for BOOSTFit and had a lovely early night.

Sunday 6th Jan

Today has been productive, started the day off right with a McD's Breakfast (after my nurse appointment) and then lazed in bed till midday in a sausage & egg McMuffin coma.  I eventually rolled outta bed to start taking pics to list some more stuff on Vinted.  
I have tonnes more to do, but I made a serious dent in the mountain of clothing that is patiently waiting to be given to new homes.

Vick & Ri came over and we had a cheeky catch up over a cuppa and The Small Children decided to recreate an old pic of themselves (Ri's idea BTW)

Jeez they look OLD now!!

#SeflfCareSunday time - I'm gonna head off now - grab a hot bath, wash the barnet and prepare for my hospital appointment tomorrow.  I am rather nervous about it to be honest, I'm having a steroid injection into my sacro-illiac joint in my back to try and help with the pain of my lower disc bulge and hip issue.  
Hope it works - Wish me luck!


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