On Saturday 4th August 2018 a tribe of strong, powerful and tenacious women will once again take to the stage of The Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone to compete for the three coveted titles in the 7th year of the UK's leading plus size pageant; Miss British Beauty Curve.
I checked in with some of the new 2018 contestants to see what their experiences have been like so far;
Lorna - Mrs Derbyshire Curve 2018
MBBC has been the most amazing, rewarding experience for me! I’ve met some amazing women, had the opportunity to do the most wonderful charity work and above all, I’ve grown in my self confidence. MBBC is so much more than a pageant, it’s a group of strong women empowering each other and influencing others and I’m so proud to be a part of that.
Leanne - Miss Warwickshire Curve 2018

MBBC is not just the name of a pageant it's the name of a community of beautiful, supportive women. The empowerment I feel is incredible and being able to showcase my self worth, love and beauty as a plus size is extremely rewarding. When you hear the term 'life-changer' I think of MBBC!
~ @leannerjones
Marisa - Ms Merseyside Curve 2018
I'm so glad I entered the pageant not only because I get to mix with like minded women who champion body positivity but because of the opportunities within my local community this has given me. I've met some phenomenal people and when I share my journey and details of our pageant the support people give to what we are doing is brilliant! That's because were entering into a pageant of inclusion and celebrating curves. I'm so proud I was given the opportunity to represent Merseyside and share the amazing work our pageant sisters are doing across the UK.
Rachel - Ms Essex Curve 2018
This is the picture of my pageant journey I’ve met so many lovely ladies on my journey but to be able to bring my best friend along for the ride whilst also raising awareness for the Fab Campaign was everything! I’ve pushed myself further than I have ever gone before but without the help from yourself and the lovely queens I couldn’t have got this far x
Sunita - Ms Basildon Essex Curve 2018
I love how supportive all the girls are of each other considering I’m 43 and nearly double some of their ages. It's given me lots of confidence and I’m proud to be a part of this system. To any ladies thinking about applying... go for it!
~ @suni75_
Cathy - Ms Liverpool Curve 2018
I literally have spent years yo-yo dieting, joining slimming clubs, buying meal replacement bars and attempting every single fad diet under the sun! It’s only really been in the last year or two that I’ve thought “sod it!” I’ve got two beautiful sons and I don’t want any of my insecurities or body worries projected onto them. I’m a good mum, so what if my arms are a little bit chubby... all the better for cuddling my boys! I’m also a good teacher... even if my bingo wings jiggle as I wipe the board! And I’m a good friend... even if my belly does hang over my jeans every now and again!! I’m not going to let my weight define me and when I heard about Miss British Beauty Curve something inside me just clicked and I thought “yes! That’s how I’m gonna celebrate my new found confidence!” And so far the experience has been amazing, nerve wracking and stressful at times, but overall amazing and I would suggest it to any woman out there!! At this stage it’s not even about winning anymore, it’s about the pageant family I’m now a part of! I have never met a group of more supportive and loving women and I’m absolutely over the moon to call them all my pageant sisters!
It's awesome to have new ladies enter the family and it's lovely to hear their experiences so far - I cannot wait to see what they all bring to the stage!
Year on year, we have ladies who re-compete. I want to know what drives them to come back;
Charlotte - Ms Gloucestershire Curve 2018
The opportunity to be part of something wonderful. To strive to improve myself. It's taught me to accept that I am enough - just as I am. My experience of MBBC is one of camaraderie. A sisterhood. A family. Women working towards a shared goal of raising body positivity, serving charities and genuinely caring for one another. I think we're pretty awesome, really! ~ @charlottephillips_msglos
Charlotte is extremely modest in her words, she has been crowned our Ms Congeniality for 3 consecutive years by her peers which in itself speaks volumes about her character and dedication to the system. In addition to that fantastic accolade, last year she was crowned first runner up in our Ms category. Charlotte is a true MBBC Royal Family Member and a fantastic ambassador for plus size ladies who are not afraid to fly their flag of utter uniqueness.
Another member of the MBBC Royal Family is Demi-Louise. Demi has also competed for the last two years. Demi placed within the top 5 in her first year of competing and last year was crowned our first runner up in the Miss category. Demi has been a great role model and mentor to some of this year's contestants and it's lovely to hear that she plans to return in the future - here's what Demi had to say (short paragraphs are not her forte!)
Demi-Louise - Miss British Beauty Curve 1st Runner Up 2017
Hi, I’m Demi and I am Miss British Beauty Curve 1st Runner Up 2017. I’ve been with MBBC for 3 years now, unfortunately I won’t be competing again this year my time had come to take a year out BUT hopefully I’ll be back next year. Miss British Beauty Curve has genuinely changed my life. I have made friendships that I will genuinely treasure for the rest of my life you will never meet a girl like a “Curve” girl. For me MBBC is family, these girls have pulled me through some of the hardest times of my life and I am forever grateful for Sam, Leah and everyone behind the scenes for giving me to opportunity to be part of such an incredible system AND family. I return year after year because when you compete with MBBC you experience something that is like no other. The empowerment, the growth and the acceptance is just incredible and it’s something that brings me back every year.
Kat asked for this to be short but I like to go on a little and I just want to say to every woman taking to that stage next month YOU ARE INCREDIBLE DO NOT FORGET IT! Good luck to every single one of you I can’t wait to be there with you watching and supporting you all.
If you don’t place or don’t take home a crown don’t be disheartened. A loss is never a loss with MBBC and you take home so much more than a crown. I cannot wait to see who your Miss/Mrs/Ms British Beauty Curve 2018 is. Love you all
Stef is a real MBBC Veteran after competing three years consecutively. I have seen Stef's confidence soar over the three years, watching her fly is so amazing. Here's what Stef had to say;
Stef - Ms Derbyshire Curve 2018
MBBC changed my life. sounds cheesy I know, but it did. I was in a very bad place mentally before this pageant, I still have dark days but I know there's hundreds of amazing strong women who've got my back. Even though at the end of it all its a competition I've never experienced anything like the love and support in MBBC I'm now on my 3rd time and I'm so glad I took that plunge, this year will be amazing and I can't wait for pageant day.
~ @So_Stef86
Another MBBC Royal Family member up next - Amy has competed for the last two years and last year was crowned the second runner up in the Mrs category. Amy stepped out of her comfort zone this year and ran a fantastic event; East Curve which was a fabulous day, I am so proud of her and love watching her confidence grow.
Amy - Mrs Norfolk Curve 2018
Miss British Beauty Curve has been a very unique experience for me. I have met friends for life and I am growing in confidence all the time. I first took part in 2016 and since then MBBC has changed my life!
Next up I spoke to another MBBC Royal Family Member - Nickey. After competing for the last two years Nickey was crowned second runner up in our Miss category last year. I remember meeting a very shy young Miss Surrey Curve back in 2015 in the lead up to her competing in the 2016 finals and they girl I met is simply not the same girl I see before me now. Nickey has not only learnt to be more confident in herself but she is also a role model for other women struggling with loving their bodies. Here's what Nickey had to say;
Nickey - Miss Surrey Curve 2018
My pageant experiences through MBBC have been phenomenal. The confidence I have gained through stepping out on that stage is amazing. I was a girl who could not look at myself in the mirror and constantly yo-yo dieted. Now, I am a sassy confident lady who loves her larger figure and it’s all down to this pageant system. I have made friends for life which I know I can count on, and even when I retire from pageantry, I know those girls will be there for me. I have so much to thank MBBC for, they’ve given me a spring in my step and a light in my life. It’s more than just a crown.
Hollie competed for the first time last year as one of our youngest contestants. She has thrown her heart and soul into her appearances and outfits this year - I'm excited to see what she brings to the stage.
Hollie - Miss Hampshire Curve 2018
To be involved in such an amazing system has changed my life. I’ve had more opportunity’s given than I can think of and my confidence has grown more than I ever could of wished. You don’t compete against each other, you compete alongside one another and I’m grateful to be apart of such a big family.
~ @Hollie_rose_
Emily also joined us last year and bagged the award of Best Application. We are so glad to have her back again to storm the stage with her amazing strut!
Emily - Miss Essex Curve 2018
Miss British Beauty Curve has provided me with so many amazing experiences so far and I am so grateful. More importantly, it has given me an opportunity to spread the message of acceptance and loving everyone. I have had conversations with people that I wouldn’t normally have, and whilst some may not always agree with me, they have listened to my points. Only positive things can come from the pageant and I am so happy to be part of it.
Daniella also competed last year and ever since has gone from strength to strength. Her confidence has grown tenfold and she continues to strive for positive change surrounding a very important cause. Daniella took on her own radio show and also founded #ThePinkPurseProject - I am exceedingly proud of her efforts and to see such a strong woman emerge from someone who was not so confident.
Daniella - Miss North Essex Curve 2018
MBBC helped my rediscover myself when I found myself on a path I didn't recognise. I owe my confidence and new found love of life to the pageant and all those who participate in it. Without my girls, my family, I'd still be on an entwining dark journey without direction or cause. For That, I am eternally grateful.
The last few ladies I spoke to are no strangers to success. All these ladies have competed in Miss British Beauty Curve in the past and have since gone on to win awards, crowns and titles, here's what they had to say about their experiences of MBBC;
Laura is no stranger to pageants. Alongside competing in MBBC in 2014 where she made the top 5, She also competed in Miss Plus Size UK, She placed first runner up in Model XL in 2015, second runner up in Miss Voluptuous UK 2017 and then went on to be crowned Ms/Mrs Diamond SE 2017.
Laura Gentles
Here is what Laura had to say about her experience;
I competed in MBBC in 2014 and loved it! From the genuine love between us contestants to how cool and approachable the directors are. Everything was amazing. Everyone helped each other backstage, I even fake tanned the winner of MBBC 2014, Emily Blake! It was genuinely an emotional experience, and I was honoured to place top 5 with the ladies on the stage that evening. I'd compete again because it's a genuinely lovely pageant and so much fun! The experience brings so many friends and so much personal growth.
~ @lauracurvee
Sian also competed in Miss Plus Size UK in 2013, she won Model XL in 2015 and then went on to compete in MBBC. I'll let her tell you the rest :)
Sian Yapp - Miss North London Curve 2018
I took part in MBBC in 2016. I have had a very positive experience, I placed within the Top 10 and won Miss Top Model. Although I did not win, I took away from the experience so many happy memories and wonderful friends. I chose to return to MBBC this year to compete and represent myself to my fullest and to have fun! There is something quite magical being on the stage with a group of women who support each other and come together to show society that you do not have to be the standard that is imposed on us, to Love who you are and be happy.
~ @siany1989
Alyx returns year on year to compete and has been one of our longest standing veterans. She has quite an inspiring story which I am so proud of her for sharing. She has also been recently crowned Mrs Curves 2018 at The Miss Curves Beauty Vitual Pageant.
Here's her story;
Alyx Denman - Mrs Curves 2018
My story of MBBC starts from my horrible ex husband saying that I wasn't good enough to compete in Miss England (this was before we were married) it really upset me and so for the rest of my marriage I didn't try again. Fast forward to when I first gained weight due to medication and severe mental and physical health problems, I was feeling really bad about myself, I hated my body and stopped going swimming as I didn't want people to see me or my body, my fiance at the time now my husband of 5 years and together for nearly 10 said my curves were beautiful and that he loved them which really helped me. I decided that I wanted to do a pageant but I was nervous about my size so I scouted the internet and came across MBBC, a plus size pageant, on a whim at two in the morning I applied and got in. On the day I was so scared, I was completely by myself and didn't know anyone but I was brave and made some friends, getting up on stage for the first time being the size I was was terrifying, I was in ore of the other girls they were all stunning, I hadn't worn heels since I came out of my wheelchair and I'm still learning how to walk in them again as I have weak legs. The swimwear round meant the most to me as I hadn't worn a swimsuit in years, so I watched the other girls in their swimwear and everyone was cheering them, when it was my turn I got the same reaction from the audience, they cheered me, it felt amazing it really did. MBBC has changed my life and made me who I am today and gave me the confidence to be happy in my own skin, I keep going back because this system is very close to my heart and literally saved my life, I have got more and more confident each year and I just love It, my experience has been amazing and I've made life long friends, I can't thank MBBC enough for what they have done for me.
This is my favourite photo from my first swimwear round as that's the moment my life changed.
Last but by no means least we have yet another true veteran from MBBC - Dawn Lowe. Dawn has won many titles and awards with a list of accolades as long as my arm I could write a whole post on her achievements alone. Her most recent titles are; Ms Catwalk Perfect 2016/17 and she is the reigning Young European International Mrs 2017/18 where she competed internationally in YAMI and placed first runner up and to think that her pageant journey all started with MBBC.
Dawn Lowe - Young European International Mrs 2017/18
Miss British Beauty Curve was my very first pageant that my friend told me to enter and I am so glad I did. The run up to the finals was such fun, making appearances in my finalist sash and meeting other finalists and queens from other systems. On the day, I was nervous as I didn't know what to expect, having never competed in a pageant before but I found it to be the most rewarding experience. I'd made up my mind to just enjoy it and see what happened. I decided to just be me. I loved meeting the other girls and I'm still friends with them today. My journey in the pageant industry has been a very positive one. I've always been a positive person and wanted to be the voice and a positive role model for the curvier lady. There's a lot of pressure out there to conform to and be a certain way or have a certain look, which I don't agree with. I think you should always strive to be the best version of you! Always be true to yourself. Find your own inner happiness and love the person you are and That's what will shine through on stage. My advice to anyone competing in pageants for the first time would be to research the ethics and mottos of the pageant and what it stands for and represents and to enjoy every moment. Whether you win or not is irrelevant, you've been part of an amazing experience with like minded women from all walks of life and will come away with a sense of achievement. I won Ms Congeniality and Ms Best Publicity and learnt so much from my fellow finalists. I'm always happy to help others in their journeys and so proud of their achievements. MBBC was a fabulous day that I'll always cherish.
Thank you ever so much to all of you for sharing your experiences with me. I truly hope that your words inspire other like-minded women to dive in and experience the taste of what MBBC has to offer.
If you are interested in signing up for 2019 - head on over to www.missbritishbeautycurve.com
OR you could come and watch the finals in just over 3 weeks time - grab your tickets HERE
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