My Interview with the "Best New Blog" Nominees
Welcome ladies, congratulations on your recent nomination for “Best New
Blog” at the British Plus Size Awards. I thought I’d get you all together
to have a chat about our introduction to the Blogosphere and our experiences so
Let’s get some intro’s outta the way;
Can you all tell me your name, age, location and your blog name?
I’ll get the ball rolling; I’m Kat, 31, Croydon born, but I live in
Surrey now.

My name is Paige, I’m 23, from Costa-Del-Walsall (West Midlands) BBYou
Hayley, 31,
Lovely to meet you all!

Hayley, what inspired you to blog? I used to read plus size fashion blogs all
the time, and follow bloggers on social media. And I just got more and more
interested in their body positive message. I've always loved clothes and
dressing pretty and so I just thought I would add my voices to the many amazing
ones already out there and talk about being fashion conscious and plus size.
About accepting yourself and wanting to look gorgeous regardless.

nominations are primarily driven by the people asking friends & family to
nominate them for this, did you find it awkward asking people to do that for
I didn’t actually ask anyone to nominate
me for the award! I put up a post asking people to nominate their faves, but
that I was too young (at the time I had been blogging for all of a month!) to
be nominated… and then there you go! Now I’m just asking anyone I meet to vote
for me!
Not really, I
mean I’m not a slave driver standing over someone’s shoulder and making them do
anything. I’ve let people know I think
it would be a cool thing and then it’s really just up to them if they vote or
My family & friends are amazing; they have supported me so much through
this journey. I did put a few requests
on social media but I never in a million years thought that anything would come
of it. I’m dead chuffed!
I did go on quite a crusade for about 1 month asking family, friend’s
& co workers to vote for me… EVEN EX BOYFREINDS! Every event I was at I
mentioned it, and even directed people to the page grabbed their phone and
typed in #bbyou, so I didn’t find it awkward at all. I found it lush that a few
of my friends & family had voted me for best blog and best model too. I
thought it was totally unnecessary but felt so blessed that people even thought
about me like that.
<Hayley> Nah not at all. I
didn’t put it on my personal Facebook or anything. I just asked specific people who I knew
supported what I am doing, as well as my blog followers and it happened from
What was
your first blog post about?
My first blog post was all about my
reasons why I started blogging – I basically got brave and posted a picture of
me in my bikini and the response was amazing. Pair that with reading lots of
blogs in the past, I just got the bug to do it I guess!
<Charli> Oh god, it was awful!
I have learnt so much since then – about myself and about my voice! My first post was really just about me – and
my arse – and how I find it hard to find clothes that fit well whilst being
fashion forward.
I think my first post was one of those get to know me tag posts. Oh how times
have changed!
Basically me introducing my blog and my
intentions for it over the next few years. I think mine was pretty normal and
“what to expect” before I really started coming into my element
I wrote about the Why. Why I had decided
to write this blog, and what I was hoping to achieve. I probably need to read
it again to see how I am doing with my mission.
Do you have
a specific vibe for your blog?
Yes, I want it to be a positive, honest
space for plus size babes to come and see fashions, and feel inspired to be
positive about their bodies. I swear a bit in my blog too, so it’s
unapologetically me!
<Charli> Taking my clothes off?
I have a lingerie thing going on! I also get photo bombed by my dog a
lot – he likes to be the centre of attention.
That counts as a vibe, right?
Mine is
just life as I see it. I am such a
mish-mash of a person with fingers in so many pies so that’s why I chose a
lifestyle blog. I blog about plus size
fashion, beauty, food, music, wellness, family life, modelling...ah the list
goes on! I’ve held a diary since I was
like 9 years old, so I guess this is an extension of that! I moved with the
times though – I used to have a live journal, then an MSN space and then a
MySpace! I guess I was destined to blog!
<Paige> My blog started off as a Fashion, beauty & lifestyle blog, as I love
makeup, draw inspiration from drag queens as well as having quite a varied
style due to my use of wigs and fashion. But now I consider it more of a
lifestyle blog than anything else. A REAL, FRANK DISCUSSION about
socio-political views on the 21st century plus size woman, With a
bit of a tongue-in-cheek humorous twist.
<Hayley> My blog is pretty much
a body positive space where I talk about fashion, with a vintage spin.
Lottie, you are quite the advocate for body
positivity; that’s fantastic, is it easy to stay positive when faced with
negativity? It’s tough to be positive
every single day – I think we can all agree on that one! I’m typically quite
stubborn, so once I got it in my head that my body is brilliant, it’s quite
hard to shake it out of me. I hope that the posts I write help women who are
starting on their journey to self-love to find inspiration, just like I found
inspiration from the other amazing bloggers out there! It’s worth remembering
that any woman can be fighting their body positive battle, regardless of what
size they are.
What’s your overall opinion of the plus-size community?
Honestly? I feel like I’ve found a
family. I felt pretty lonely before I found this little community, but most
people are so supportive and positive – especially the babes in this category!
I think the whole community still has a way to go to be fully accepting of each
other, but on the whole, we rock each other’s socks!
I couldn’t
agree more; these women are most definitely family now. I’ve got so much love for everyone I have
encountered on this roller-coaster! Not
only are these women supportive but they are beautiful, with such kind hearts
& impeccable fashion sense! Being
both Blogger & Model, I get the best of both sides of this industry, but
that also comes with struggles. I
haven’t experienced any negativity towards me directly and I believe that’s
because my blog radiates positivity. I
spend a lot of my time bigging up other people within the industry; I feel it’s
important to raise others up around you. After all we are all striving for one
common goal and that is to promote the plus-size community. I have a zero tolerance policy on throwing
<Charli> It is so
supportive! I know it’s a bit of a
cliché but I have met some of the most awesome women alive and everyone just
seems to accept you for what you are.
There’s no real pretence or snobbery there but a ton of empowerment.

<Hayley> It is a wonderfully
supportive place. I always feel like it is being part of a sisterhood. It is
the most inclusive and instantly accepting community I have ever been a part
of. I love just being part of this community that spreads a hopeful and helpful
message amidst media that can be quite oppressive in the way it judges women
and their bodies.
What are your
blogging goals? Collaborations, Brands you want to work with?
My biggest goal is to hear that I’ve
inspired someone. I’m not in this for the free stuff or the exposure. I just want to make other women feel good
about themselves the way that other blogs made me feel. Of course, if ASOS
Curve, Yours Clothing or Simply Be want to get in contact, I wouldn’t say no!
<Charli> Erm, that’s
a tough one! I really just enjoy writing
– even if it is mostly drivel! I have some exciting posts coming up with
Panache to do with fuller busted sportswear - that is pretty darn
exciting! I also love Curvy Kate – they
are my complete idols and I’m thinking of going for Star in a Bra next year
(only thinking mind).

<Paige> It would be great to work with some cool new brands, I’m currently in talks with Scarlett & Jo to model for their new seasons collection, so that’s pretty exciting. I’m a part of a TV show coming out on Chanel 5 called “Supersized” and I’m getting myself out there. As for brands in particular? Simply Be, Curvy Kate, Boohoo, Evans & Yours Clothing would be absolute dreams to work & model for.
Can you give
me your top tip for any budding bloggers out there?
Write from the heart, don’t be afraid to
be yourself and write as you would speak. Take lots of pictures, get active on
social media and don’t be afraid to reach out to others!
<Charli> Be honest
with yourself and your audience. It’s
okay not to like a certain “hot”, new, plus size brand or to prefer joggings
bottoms to a pretty dress – I mean, we are all individuals, right?
Be true to YOU and be unashamed of who you are.
People relate to realness so never be afraid to give an honest review or
speak from the heart. Comment, comment,
comment – share/like/love – it’s all about networking and being active on
social media. I love that aspect, Lucia
of U Can’t Wear That called me a “Social Media whore” (in jest) the other day
at lunch and it’s so true, but I think it is key in this game. You need to have
a presence and a positive one at that!
Honesty – There’s nothing worse than reading a blog that is
boring because if feels like the robotic format that everyone writes in. My
blog has spelling and grammatical errors, but that’s because I like to make my
readers feel like I’m having an ACTUAL conversation with them, rather than
talking AT them. Another top tip would be “make yourself different”. You don’t
need a fancy camera and the best lighting and filters. There not reading to see
a piece of art, they are reading a piece of you.
In the beginning doing something new is really exciting, and
then after a little bit when you are not feeling super inspired or life is busy
it gets hard. You just have to push on through until it becomes a habit. I
found scheduling in some time for my blogging really helpful. My working life
is quite busy, so I actually write a lot of my posts on my phone on the bus
(having taking the pictures whenever I can find someone willing to take them)
and then lay them out and proof read them usually on a Sunday evening. I also
make sure I always have a note book handy - I should really make notes on my
phone but in that way I am really still a paper gal - for when inspiration
importantly – what are you wearing for the British Plus Size Awards on November
I’ve been really lucky and Studio Eight
(the plus size range from brand Phase Eight) have agreed to dress me for the
awards! I’m excited to see what dress they can muster up for me!
<Charli> Not a clue yet!
Lottie & I discussed coordinating in some way, not sure if she was
serious or not but I completely love that idea!
I’m 100% up for that idea. The Studio
Eight babes are coming to get you!
I have a few things in the pipeline; let’s see if any of them come into fruition. I will definitely be consulting with my friends at Simply Be & my pageant Stylist – Susie Hasler of Styled by Susie. I’m on the prowl for that show-stopping, head-turning number!
PFFFFFFT! I wanna work out how I’m gunna pay my phone bill
this week! Never mind a dress!! Knowing me Ill most likely pay more attention
to what weave I’m gunna sew in my head, rather than the outfit, but I can
assure you, IT WILL BE FABULOUS! And cheap!
<Hayley> The lovely lot at
Studio 8 are going to be dressing me. I am really excited!
I’m kinda seeing a pattern forming – I reckon Studio 8 should just dress us
all...that would be pretty awesome!
Thank you to all of you for chatting with me,
I wish you all the very best of luck, it’s an honour to be nominated alongside
all of you.
<Lottie> Thanks for running
this interview beautiful! Good luck to all you babes <3
<Charli> Thanks for doing this Kat – you are an absolute star! See y’all on the night (if not before)!!!
<Paige> Coolio, This was super
fun. Thanks for reading. Please take a chance to go to – I'm foulmouthed, but it’s all in good humour :) Always remember to #BBYOU!
Make your vote count....
Click here >>>>
There is also one other nominee; Hannah Boal, who unfortunately opted not to be involved.
You can check out Hannah's blog right here;
I'd love to hear your thoughts & comments...