Miss British Beauty Curve 2016 Contestants; Meet Dannielle
Next up in the "Meet the Miss British Beauty Curve 2016 Contestants" series I bring you Miss West Midlands Curve; Dannielle
Name: Dannielle Brickley
Age: 25
Which area are you representing? West Midlands
Single/Taken? Happily taken.
What made you want to enter MBBC? I entered Miss Plus Size UK last year, fell in love
with the feeling of loving myself, and got pageant fever! I looked into a couple of
pageants and competitions, and this just felt like the right fit for me out of all the ones I
Is MBBC your first pageant experience? No, I was a finalist in Miss Plus Size UK last year and it was an incredible experience that left me wanting to enter more.
Describe your character in 5 words: Hyperactive, understanding, open-minded, sarcastic & confident.
You can earn extra points from making public appearances, have you made any so far? Do you have any in the pipeline? I haven't yet, but it's something I'm looking into.
What does winning the crown mean to you? The pageant experience itself means the
world to me. I love getting to meet so many amazing, likeminded women and I've found
myself really growing into a person I love. Winning the crown would just make an already
amazing experience even better, I'd be honoured and super elated to be crowned queen! I
spent so much time feeling down on myself, having zero confidence and at times wishing I
was someone else. I'd love to be able to spread the message to other women that they are
enough, and winning the crown would give me a platform to do that from, it would honestly
mean the world to me.
Do you have any hidden talents? If I have they're hidden to me too!
Who are your sponsors? I don't have any sponsors as of yet.
If successful you would become one of our Sister Queens, what qualities can you bring to our family? An always open ear, ever growing confidence, and an appreciation for all different types of people. The MBBC queens are the sort of women I would have loved to have seen more of when I was younger, real role models, and I'd love to be a part of that.
What inspires you most about the MBBC Queens? The different stories and experiences that brought them to enter MBBC. I'm always inspired by the stories of strong women.
How have you found the experience so far? It's super exciting! I feel honoured to be part of a group of such beautiful women, it's empowering.
Are you looking forward to the 5th Year Anniversary show, have you started shopping yet?
I haven't started shopping yet, but my first shopping trip is happening very soon. I'm crazy
What message do you have for women who are thinking of entering in the future? I spent so long looking at pageants like this, and making excuses not to enter because I never felt like I was good enough. But you are good enough. If this is something you want, then you should go for it. I'm so out of my comfort zone doing this, but I love it. I've found a whole new side of myself through doing pageants, and it's a side that I'm really proud of. I've gained confidence, I'm making memories, and I honestly wish I'd gone for it sooner. If you're looking at MBBC and thinking about applying, then do it! I really don't think you'll regret it, I know I don't.
I wish you the very best of luck Dannielle
You can connect with Dannielle and be kept up to date with her journey;
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