The "Get to Know Me" Tag
As I am a Newbie to this Blogging lark I thought it would be fun for you guys to get to know me better by doing the "Get to Know Me" tag.
So here goes...
1. Are you named after anyone? No – but my big brother chose my name! Thanks Bro; one of the most popular names
2. When was the last time you
cried? A couple of weeks ago, we had to
put my Dog; Sensi to sleep. She was like
15yrs old, which is what, like 90 in Dog Years!
She was an old girl and she was suffering with cancer so we had to do
what was best for her!
3. Do you have kids? Yup – I have a 13yr old daughter; Mya –
she’s my world!
4. If you were another person,
would you be a friend of yourself? Hell
yes – Who wouldn’t wanna be my friend, I’m awesome!
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Can you not tell? *Raised eyebrow*
6. Will you ever bungee-jump? Have done – didn’t enjoy it at
all. I’m not really a thrill seeker
kinda gal!
7. What’s your favorite
cereal? Rice Krispies Multi Grain, ooh no...Sugar Puffs, no...Coco Pops,
or maybe Weetabix.... I love cereal – Kellogs’ rock!
8. What’s the first thing you
notice about people? Their smile :)
9. What is your eye colour? Brown
10. Scary movie or happy endings? Both – I love a good film, thriller or
rom com, makes no odds if it’s a good-un!
11. Favourite smells? Jean-Paul Gaultier – Le Male, it makes me go
weak at the knees!
12. Summer or winter? Summer – I’m a Sun Baby, but saying
that I love Snow too! Rain – not so
13. Computer or television? Computer everything a TV can do, a Computer
does it too and much more!
14. What’s the furthest you’ve
ever been from home? The Maldives
15. Do you have any special
talents? I can sing – I have been
singing since the age of 3. I was born
into a Very musical family, we sing at weddings and all sorts J
16. Where were you born? Croydon
17. What are your hobbies? Dancing, Singing, Blogging, Beauty
& Hair, Music, Reading, Swimming, Eating & Playing Dress up!
18. Do you have any pets? I used to until Sensi was put down –
but I have this Uber cool stuffed toy puppy that my BF bought me called “Pups” He is my new pet!
19. Favourite movie? Cruel Intentions – but I have a huge
list of films I love.
20. Do you have any siblings? Yes an older Brother
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? I am grown up, but when I was little I
wanted to be....don't laugh now....A Pony! Yes, like a real-life My
Little Pony! I also wanted to be
white but I guess I had more chance of becoming a pony! I was clearly a troubled kid!
I am open to any other questions you wanna throw at me....Hit me with it!!
I challenge +Cody Wren & anyone else who hasn't done it already to do this tag :)
I'd love to hear your thoughts & comments...