The Body Project


I have signed up to a fitness programme called "The Body Project" which is a 10 week programme of healthy eating, exercise & mindfulness.  You have a check list of "to-do's" to do including things like; eating a healthy breakfast, being alcohol free for the day,drinking 2 litres of water, engaging in a 30 minute workout and much more.  Each to-do will earn you points.  We are in a small team and obviously competing against not only ourselves, but also other members of both our teams & the organisation as a whole.

This all kicks off tomorrow & runs for the next 10 weeks.  After my full on weekend, the last thing I wanted to do on a Sunday night was run 1km or do a fitness test, but I pushed myself as I really want to see the benefits of this project.

So I did it.  I jogged round the block nearly 3 times (in icy conditions may I add!) I wouldn't usually run anwhere, I think the only time I run is for the train/bus. So for me to run out of choice is a big achievement.

What I want to achieve out of "The Body Project"
  • I would like to drop a dress size over the 10 week period
  • I want to increase my fitness levels
  • I want to kick-start a lifestyle change to make me the healthiest version of me possible.
Wish me luck!!


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  1. Good luck!!!! Its great to see you are taking the steps to becoming a more healthier version of you, You go girl!!! I need to start doing some exercises. I'm eating alot healthier but I definitely can do more. Keep us up to date on your amazing journey and enjoy every minute of it :)


  2. Good luck hun xox


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